Advising municipalities on best practices for increased use of active travel modes through the provision of infrastructure, policies, and programs.
WATT offers technical expertise to help develop and deliver complete streets (corridor design), improved pedestrian crossings, safety audits, transit improvements, bike/e-scooter share (micromobility), ride-hailing, and better curbside management practices.
Our team offers technical expertise in pedestrian design including facilities that are comfortable and accessible for people with disabilities (universal design). We understand that roadways that are designed to facilitate vehicles moving and turning can have a negative impact on people walking. We understand that many tools can remedy this including:
- pedestrian refuge islands
- raised crosswalks
- overhead flashers
- curb extensions
- corner modifications
- creating a better pedestrian realm for people
of all ages and abilities
Our team offers technical expertise in bikeway design including facilities that are comfortable for people of all ages and abilities, including:
- protected bike lanes (cycle tracks)
- bike paths buffered bike lanes
- bicycle boulevards
- multi-use pathways
We also specialize in traffic control elements for cycling facilities including signs, pavement markings, and bicycle signals.
Transit Planning + Infrastructure
We have worked with a number of transit authorities to help them understand the feasibility of providing service, identifying under-served transit markets, and completing technical analysis to evaluate routing options.
We offer transit facility design services, including
- bus stops
- transit exchanges
- transit bus lots
- supportive inter-modal infrastructure
Our reviews not only consider geometric requirements but consider the planning and operational elements including traffic flow, safety, pedestrian connections, and cycling connections.
Our team brings valuable experience in facilitating major emerging mobility. We are well-versed in mobility trends happening in North America.
The City of Calgary was to be one of the first municipalities in Canada to allow electric scooters city-wide and celebrated immediate success with over 750,000 trips in the summer months of 2019 when the pilot launched.
The two experts responsible for the successful rollout the program, Thomas Thivener and Nathan Carswell, are now consulting as part of WATT’s team of mobility experts.
before the pilot, we learned what additional
risks came with these devices – and how to
effectively plan to mitigate risks.”
Thomas and Nathan have experience developing permitting procedures, data sharing agreements and in changing local/provincial regulations to facilitate shared micromobility systems. We know which shared micromobility systems work and which pretend to work.